I am often asked where my novel ideas come from. I think that ideas are all around us, and if you allow yourself to be open to thoughts and impressions, novels spring from that point. It’s a combination of truth, something relatable to your reader, and creativity.
 I’ve read that Diana Gabaldon came up for the concept for her uber-successful “Outlander” series after watching an episode of “Dr. Who” where a character time-travels.
EL James famously created “Fifty Shades of Grey” after writing fan fiction for “Twilight”. It’s said that Margaret Mitchell wrote “Gone With the Wind” as an ode to her ex-husband. For me, “The Lyric of Memory” was sparked by attending a Carole King/James Taylor concert. “Adjusting the Rear View” was written as a tribute to my closest friends.
My new work, “The Gypsy Moth Chronicles” was born in Cape Cod while sitting on the magnificent beach there. I have an entire file cabinet full of ideas… let your mind wander a bit and see if you don’t have a novel in you as well!

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