What kind of research do I do for my books?

All of my books begin with the seed of an idea. For everything I’ve written up to this point, the research was more casual. I would visit a place and imagine my characters there. But for the historical novel I’m currently working on, “I Will Find You”, the fact-finding mission has been much more serious and intense. I’ve been reading non-fiction accounts of Paris during World War II, both anecdotal and factual books, about exactly what happened to that magnificent city and its inhabitants.

For example, I didn’t know that there was a real effort to hide the priceless art from the pilaging Nazi soldiers and that many Parisians risked their lives for those paintings and sculptures. I visited Tel Aviv twice to spend time with the docent at the bullet museum there. Without giving away too much, those two places form the plot of my book. I’ve been doing the research for close to two years, and now as I write, I fill in the details from the copious notes I took along the way!

What is my favorite childhood book?

My all-time favorite book as a child was Madeline L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time”.  I can remember sitting up in my bed, late into the night, book propped up on my knees, flashlight in hand against the “lights out” policy set out by my parents after 9pm, having been transported to a place that was totally unknown and mysterious. Plus, it had the element of suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Would Meg find her missing father? Would she be brave enough to challenge herself to move past her fear of failure if she did find him yet couldn’t bring him home? Would the dark planet swallow her whole, as it seemed to have done to her dad and could Meg trust these three supernatural creatures, Mrs Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which to help her find her way? I couldn’t stop turning the pages, and after that novel, I was hooked. I wanted to create worlds of my own, where my readers could find their reality melt away and get lost in a story for a while. Now, I get to do just that!

August is already here!

August is already here!

I’m so proud to announce the publication of “August”, Book Three of The Gypsy Moth Chronicles!
When I set out to write this trilogy, it was a personal challenge. I wasn’t sure if I could sustain a story about two central characters over the course of three books. But I fell in love with Ruby and Cooper, with Bluff’s Cove and all the crazy people who live there, and apparently, my readers have too!

The reviews for “June” and “July” have been AMAZING!

“This is the perfect series to begin right now. Regardless of the time of year or your stage of life, it will bring you right back to the delicious days of summer romance and first love. It was so easy to identify with Ruby, a serious law student who just wants to work hard and earn some good money this summer to help her through the coming school year. Almost against her will, true friendship and love find her and change more than just her summer. The reader falls in love with Cooper right along with Ruby – or more likely before Ruby allows herself to succumb to love. Do yourself a favor and download Gypsy Moth Chronicles: June today. You’ll find yourself back here ordering July and August before you reach the end.”

Check out all the other reviews on Amazon. 

And while you’re there, if you haven’t read these books yet, consider trying one. I guarantee you’ll be hooked!


Happy Reading!

The Gypsy Moth Chronicles…will true love win?

Readers always ask me if it’s difficult to write sex scenes

Readers always ask me if it’s difficult to write sex scenes.

Short answer: no.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not a challenge! When I write about younger characters, like Ruby and Cooper, I want the emotion between them to reflect their age.

The physicality may be a little more… let’s say “athletic” than for some of my older characters. My goal is to draw the reader in by being authentic to my story each and every time!


Have you read “June” yet?

It’s the first book in my trilogy, “The Gypsy Moth Chronicles”. It’s time for you to get up to speed, because look what’s coming next. Here’s the spectacular cover for Book Two — “July”!

Be one of the first to read the next installment of Ruby and Cooper’s story… Curious?


Here’s a sneak peek:

Ruby doesn’t know what to expect when she returns to her seasonal job on Cape Cod. She has lost contact with Cooper, whom she’d fallen in love with the summer before. Heartsick, she fears that he has tired of their relationship, just as everyone had predicted…
Once Cooper turns up after a winter apart with a new woman in tow, Ruby is shattered. Then shocking news rocks Bluff’s Cove: the beloved beach bar, the Hut, is threatened with permanent closure, and now Ruby must find a way to save it alone. Can she salvage herself as well? Will Cooper help to save the Hut, and can Ruby trust him when he tries to convince her that she’s the only one he truly wants? He’s broken her heart before. She can’t let him do it again.
“July” will be published on June 26th, but you can head on over to Amazon RIGHT NOW and pre-order it for your Kindle. C’mon. You know you’re dying to find out what happens next. Consider this your invitation to join me as this addicting adventure continues… See you on the beach!

The Gypsy Moth Chronicles…will true love win?

Where do I get ideas?

I am often asked where my novel ideas come from. I think that ideas are all around us, and if you allow yourself to be open to thoughts and impressions, novels spring from that point. It’s a combination of truth, something relatable to your reader, and creativity.
 I’ve read that Diana Gabaldon came up for the concept for her uber-successful “Outlander” series after watching an episode of “Dr. Who” where a character time-travels.
EL James famously created “Fifty Shades of Grey” after writing fan fiction for “Twilight”. It’s said that Margaret Mitchell wrote “Gone With the Wind” as an ode to her ex-husband. For me, “The Lyric of Memory” was sparked by attending a Carole King/James Taylor concert. “Adjusting the Rear View” was written as a tribute to my closest friends.
My new work, “The Gypsy Moth Chronicles” was born in Cape Cod while sitting on the magnificent beach there. I have an entire file cabinet full of ideas… let your mind wander a bit and see if you don’t have a novel in you as well!

What do I think makes a good story?

For me, a good story is comprised of three things: a really interesting conflict,

ladya flawed protagonist and a satisfying ending.  I really want to go on a journey with the writer.  I don’t want to be able to guess what’s going to happen next in the plot, I want the story to flow in a plausible, connected way.  I want a main character that I can relate to, one that is far from perfect, someone who is trying to make sense of the world the writer has created.  And I want the ending to work within the parameters of the narrative.  I, for one, don’t need a happy conclusion, but I want to have the satisfaction of knowing that the right thing has happened for the people I’ve now followed for a few hundred pages.  I hope I deliver on that promise to my own readers, and I would expect nothing less from the writers I admire.

The benefits of travel…

As I near the finish line of writing my trilogy, “The Gypsy Moth Chronicles”, my thoughts have turned toward my next project. It’s tentatively titled “The Lemon Tree” in honor of an actual tree which sits in adam-jang-320626smallfront of an apartment building in the historic district of Tel Aviv. There are a number of beautiful older architectural jewels in the Bauhaus district there, often referred to as the “White City”.  These buildings, constructed between the 1930’s through the 1950’s, bear the influence of the German immigrants who flooded Israel during and after WWII. Seeing those structures, walking those streets made me stop and think about the people who may have lived there. And within those thoughts, the seeds of a novel began to form. Travel is wonderful for a variety of reasons, but for me, it often sparks my creativity!

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